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Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Letter To My Baby.

Dear Khage,
I cant believe we made it through a whole year in what felt like less then six months. I wish someone would have told me kids grow up fast. Get it... because everyone says that business! And funny because it is always said, from the minute a baby slides out and yet no one person has figured out a potion to make this happen. I will work on inventing this and stop your growth dead in its tracks... after you learn how to wipe your own butt.

This has really been an incredible journey... being a Mother is my profession, my talent, my happiness, my duty and I am so utterly thankful. I learned a whole new and deeper love and the intensity of it often brings my heart to ache. Sometimes I cant sleep because I fear for the day that you are not by my side, most days I stare at you and wonder how I could have made something so amazingly perfect with a smile that yanks on my heart strings, and whenever you look at me I wonder if you know the extent of the love Daddy and I have for you. If it was money my boy, you could buy all the cheerios, chicken and cheese your little heart could ever desire.

You were a good baby, always sleeping well and rarely crying. You helped ease me into motherhood and I am so gracious for that. Many of your firsts are gone, but honey baby we still have so many more to share. I eagerly wait for the moment that MomMom leaves your lips.

Thank you for this beautiful year of all of us learning together. You made me a Mommy, my husband a Daddy and both of us the happiest we have ever been. I am so inlove with you KhageyBaby and I hope you always feel this love.

Happy First Birthday.

To the moon and back fifteen times over,

1 comment:

Fressia Vaughn said...

Made me tear up. His aunt, who NEVER (ok, rarely) crys over mushy stuff. Happy birthday Khagey boy, I love you much! I'm so glad I got to talk to you on your first birthday. :)