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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lets Party.

Nicole and I have had such dreams of throwing a co party for our little dudes since they were born. And with two little boys who could resist slapping a Thing 1 and Thing 2 theme on it. We served all the fun foods any kiddo could ask for like Yertle The Turtle's Tator Tots, Hop On Pop Patties (or what grownups call Hamburgers), and Lots and Glotz of Macaroni. And my personal favorite: Horton's Cheese Specs, but they were really just your average store cheese balls- oh yes I knocked it out of the clever park with that one... because Horton walks around with a orange spec that he claims is a microscopic community and it looks like a cheese ball... haha I still get a kick out of it.
But enough is enough. Back to the party.
Nicole also decorated her Christmas tree to look like she snatched it right out of Whoville. Which by the way I never took a picture of. Drat, I hate when I forget to document everything!
Overall I am going to mark this party off as a success and thank everyone who shared this special day with us and our two favorite little one year olds.
In the words of Dr. Seuss STOOPENDOUS!

(By the way, yes this is the last post about Khage turning one... I managed to turn this one milestone into at least four posts. I think he will appreciate it when he's older... or if he reads this in his teens and I am still too obsessed with him for his liking he may throw this in my face when I confront him after he comes home with a lip piercing and a sorry attitude about lack if independence. I mean come on Mom you have been obsessed with me since I was born, literally a whole blog devoted to raising me and four posts about my first birthday, give it a rest already... ).

No Khage I will not.

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