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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lets Break It In

For Christmas Mom and Dad got us a magnificent bicycle trailer for our little one and today was such a beautiful day we wanted to break it in. But then came the bad news... in an attempt at keeping this blog free of Negative Nancy I found a Good News as well, lets start there...

Good News: it can handle a weight capacity of 100 pounds for when our little guy starts to bulk up.
Bad News: the age limit for this little joy on wheels starts at age one year because of the lack of body support for younger children.

Was this going to hold us back, you ask???
Not when your husband can not only fix most things he breaks, lucky for me he can also customize most things to fit our lifestyle. Brads personal customization for this project included sticking Khage's car seat right into the trailer... and Wah-lah you have a newborn baby trekking it behind his bicycle riding mama.

Monday, December 27, 2010


I now have a baby!

(Please forgive me and my tardiness in regards to this post; I have never been one to be on time.)

When I finally sat down to write this post I almost didn’t, all because I am a few weeks late. Then I thought about the type of parent I would be if I didn’t announce the birth of my baby and how one day Khage would Google his mother and this blog would pop up and no where would he find any post about his birth. Could you imagine how potentially harmful that could be? That could compel him to one day stop celebrating Mothers Day, or it may cause him to dislike women so much he ends up never married with his closest friends being his seven cats.

Farfetched? Maybe… anyway here it goes:

I am so excited to be a Mother. Someone’s Mama. Khage’s Mommy, or his “Mutti” (in German if you must know). And I never knew I could love someone so much... even though he pees on me just about every other day.

But with this face how could you not?