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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our Thanksgiving.

 This years Thanksgiving was celebrated a little different from the traditional way that Brad and I are used to. This holiday was usually spent lounging about with the rest of the family and only venturing into the kitchen to sneak a taste of mashed potatoes or a snack off the veggie tray.  But with our families living hundreds of miles away, this years' table setting was for only two & a half and our mothers were not here to magically whip up the infamous meal. So instead of parking our rears on the couch, our day was spent slaving away in the kitchen making all the traditional Thanksgiving dishes and chasing around our mobile baby. We were tripping over Tupperware that he slew all over the kitchen, checking the temperature of the turkey with one leg kicked out as to block him from getting too close to the oven and instead of diggin in right when the food hit the table I was busy spooning up samples for Khage well before a spoon full of mashed potatoes even touched my lips.  
Well... maybe I snuck in a taste or two while the turkey was finishing up.
 Brad and I cooked our first bird.
Khage enjoyed his first licks of turkey and stuffing, green bean casserole and sweet potatoes.
And together we enjoyed our first very own Thanksgiving as a family of three.
 So CHEERS for a wonderful day spent with the ones we love over a table covered with deliciously cooked food and all the while being thankful for all of our countless blessings.
And a special thanks to my mother who saved us from having a spoiled Thanksgiving. She caught me just as I was putting the Turkey in the oven three hours early. Apparently a six hour cook time is only required if your bird is over 30 pounds.
Our turkey... he was a little 12 pounder.

But enough about the turkey lets look at this ham


Jason and Brittany said...

Beautiful Family!

The Ritchie's said...

OMG! I just saw this kid a week ago and he already looks older!!