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Friday, February 13, 2009

Who you gonna call...? I dunno but were calling MonsterQuest

Do you ever watch the show MonsterQuest? Well Brad and I do and we cannot help but think these people who claim that they have seen a weird monster creature, of some sort, are simply of their rockers!!! Either they are complete liars, they smoke a lil too much, or they are in desire need of some television time. Well that was what we thought until now. Just today we stumbled upon a creature of our own, and I can promise you Brad and I were not high and we are not attention seekers nor nasty little liars. This creature we speak of had hair like a beast, but more than one beast should ever have! It was the size of Teddy but looked ferocious. Fangs? No, no fangs instead a grand nose, the size and shape of a really huge marble, and it happened to be wearing glasses... Don't believe us, well when we first saw it we didn't believe it either, but now we will surely be calling MonsterQuest to get an ID on this weird and creepy beast! If you have small children, remove them from the room before you scroll down, it can surely become the cause of many nightmares! Good Luck!

For those of you who fear going out at night, let me ease your mind. The creature is hair! Yes I said it hair, all of the hair off Baggera and Koda combined. Brad and I have this fancy lil brush thing that grabs all the dead hair out of their coats and this was the product, well I added the glasses and nose for good fun! Maybe I should get a hobby...


Nikki Whitehead said...

That is exactly the reason we will be staying with mom when we come to visit! hahaha! You are so funny!

Anonymous said...

I find it rather funny that after you brush the dogs you play in their fur, molding it into beastly nightmarish objects. Someone get this girl some play dough quick ! Your birthday is July right? You think you can hold out until then? If not, I'll add to the fun. I can send BAG FULLS of hair your way.... hope the mail man doesn't have dog allergies....

Brad and Jamee said...

Is is sad Brittany that even as I read you blogs Im concocting plans for future furish creatures... Play dough will suit me just fine or maybe I could try something say, more grown up like a job of some sort??? I could work for petsmart shaving dogs and than I could smuggle bags of fur out hidden in my coat after hours...Bwahahaha.