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Friday, February 27, 2009

The Value of One Measly Dollar

Let me update you with Brad and my current situation: we are living a life of poverty. For those of you who are not lucky enough to get to experience such a life I will hook you up with some information. Lets start at the beginning, our new way of life is complete with a title and its called "unemployed household". As of now its working out pretty well for us, I mean we get to spend hours upon hours together, we get to go on a special "diet" and we read in a room full of the light provided by one light bulb, or an oil lantern much like Benjamin Franklin's. I mean what is not to love about eating, everyday and sometimes twice a day, hot dogs and macaroni? The other day we enjoyed a delicacy called fish sticks and PB&J's on Ritz crackers. For those of you who are in the process of currently filling out a personal check with our names on it, just settle down. This is fun for us. Its kind of like a new twist on camping. We have pinky promised to avoid the grocery store until all the junk hidden in the back the of cupboards gets eaten, or at least sneakily thrown away. Below I have included a picture of some pathetic items from our cupboards and a shot of our bare fridge. Don't be alarmed we have a few frozen items that I'm withholding from sight. Well I have to go now because blogging simply uses too much energy and folks that's not exactly free of charge. If you don't hear from us soon its because our phones have been shut off! Live long and prosperous...

This wouldnt be too bad if we had the mayo to put with tuna, some bread for the peanut butter, some salad for the dressing and one egg to make muffins...

Notice we have an abundance of condiments, would it be wrong to make, say a condiment smoothie???

1 comment:

Nikki Whitehead said...

Maybe you can put some of those mangy mutts up for sale to buy you a few more days of food, they all are purebreds aren't they? Better yet you could BBQ them up and maybe get three weeks worth of burgers. You know you live in Texas I believe that would be an acceptable thing to do, or do they only use home made smokers?
-Wes :-)