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Friday, October 21, 2011

Dot Mobile.

 I spent two days of my life tracing and cutting out card stock circles. I wanted to make a paper mobile for Khages room... yes he is ten months old and no he wont lie on his back in his crib content at staring at bright colors floating softly in the fan induced wind. But, he needed some colorful decor above the chair in his room and its just about the cheapest thing I could find to make on pinterest. Costing me a total of like five bucks... not even if you count all the left over card stock I have for other projects. The instructions required jewelry pliers and fancy Martha Stewart circle punches in two different sizes. I, so cheaply, did it without those items and went old school with tracing and cutting out 200 circles myself and using a tack to punch the smaller holes. Oh yes, back off Martha or else I will shove you with my poor carpal tunneled hands.

Its definitely not perfect but I think that only adds to it's charm. And Khage just loves to stare at it while he drinks his bottles. I think it's darling and it adds a nice POP of color to his room.
Cardstock (5 8.5x11 pages of 4 colors)
Embroidary Hoops (8 inch & 5.5 inch)
Jump Rings (8mm)
Needle Nose Pliers (I used two pairs of tweezers)
A tack (I used this to punch tiny holes in the top and bottom for the jump rings)
Glue Gun
Fishing Line

Trace and cut out as many circles as you can fit on the cardstock. My circles were 1.5 inches. Use the tack to punch holes in the top and bottom of every circle. I put cardboard under the circle to be sure the tack punctured all the way through the cardstock. String the circles with your pliers in various lengths, or go ghetto and get your tweezer like I did. This will take up most of your time. Hot glue your top circles to the embroidary hoops, fitting 16 circle on the larger hoop and 9 on the smaller one. Tie three pieces of ribbon at various lengths to the smaller hoop and let them dangle (I cut the bottoms of the ribbon in upside down V's for visual appeal). Connect the smaller hoop to the larger hoop with fishing line at three equidistant spots. Then do the same with ribbon or fishing line to hang the mobile to the ceiling. Using ribbon for this step looks lovely but it wont spin as well as it could with fishing line.
Now hang it & let your baby enjoy it!

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