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Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas 2013 in a Chestnutshell

Based upon the date, its safe to say I have been putting off this post. Once Christmas was over we were ready to wash our hands of it. Any and all proof that Christmas ever happened was thrown up in the attic a day after the celebration. One single day.

No lie.

Everything needed to go. We even had the little green remnants of the fake tree vacuumed up before Harlyn had a chance to down a few.

That is a lie.

I did spot one little faux pine needle in her dirty diaper just yesterday. Right when I thought we had successfully moved on from this holiday there it was, in all its poo glory, taunting me.

The only things really left lingering about are the Christmas cards taped to the fridge, and that's only because I have a hard time tossing the faces of our friends and family into the trash bin. If only we had a paper shredder.

We just never got into Christmas 2013. Brad and I tried to make the best of it for the kids but sadly it just wouldn't stick. There was too much going on in the month of December to really focus on the joy that the holiday brings, and it has totally become centered around gifts instead of what's really important. It all just takes away from the magic and the moments being spent together as a family. And to think this was Harlyn's first Christmas. That poor girl got bamboozled. Thank goodness she's not too bright.

You didn't let me finish.

I was going to say, thank goodness she's not too bright just yet. We haven't given up on her completely.

Even our elf on the shelf got swindled of fun. He made an appearance a few times before he was permanently perched on the tree like a confounded tree topper. I even baked cookies in an attempt to force the spirit of the season into this home, surprise surprise three dozen consumed cookies isn't exactly the recipe for joy. Just a good old fashioned need for bigger pants.

We failed this year and we know it. But I am here to say next year will be great. At least it better be or else we will relocate ourselves to Mount Crumpit. That's a How the Grinch Stole Christmas reference.

Merry & Bright? Look whose being ironically clever. Nicely played Christmas card. Nicely played. 

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