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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Someone Hit the Pause Button

I should have listened to those old ladies when they told me little ones grow up so fast...

My baby boy is already

A few special little facts about our little baguette:
he is already eleven pounds
he has rolled over one time and one time only
after a lot of work he will finally smile at mommy
with no work at all he will just sit and smirk at daddy
he loves being sang to
after 8 minutes of stretching, he will finally be awake from a nap
he has a nasty little attitude from 7pm until he falls asleep
he hates car rides
he sweats like a little piglet
when upset he turns a fancy little shade of red
we are truly enjoying every moment with him
(even after 7pm)


Jason and Brittany said...

We love you Khagers! Especially Auntie B! The girls don't like you too much tho, your a bit of an attention hog. Hey... I'm just saying.

The Simpsons said...

Where did you get that creepy bear?

Brad and Jamee said...

Justine dont you dare! Its from Babies R Us and it sings "Ive been working on the railroad" so friggin cute. I have such plans for these pictures I am going to take one every month- same chair same bear. Then I can document his growth for his first year... see how chubby he gets, how much more his hair can recede and how cute his little toe'ies stay!

The Simpsons said...

Ok I have to admit I like the plan but really, the bear is pretty creepy!

Nikki Whitehead said...

I am so glad you are blogging about him! We really wish we were there to see him! I am so sad that we are missing his adorable little baby-ness! Keep blogging for me! :)